Mystery Visits From Mystery Shopping Companies

Mystery Hotel Guests

Transforming Guest Experiences with Mystery Hotel Guests

In an industry where guest satisfaction is paramount, ensuring that every guest interaction is executed seamlessly and flawlessly is critical to a hotel’s success.

Mystery Guests for Hotels

Mystery hotel guests provide objective assessments of hotel experiences based on their personal evaluations. This evaluation process gives hotels a clear picture of their guest experience without any preconceived notions. Mystery hotel guests assess a hotel’s frontline staff, who often have the most contact with guests and can have a significant impact on their experience.

By providing constructive feedback to hotels, Silent Customer provides an unbiased assessment that can help identify areas where improvements can be made.

Every hotel is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach usually falls short, particularly where guest experiences are concerned. Silent Customer understands this and can design bespoke evaluations tailored to hotels’ specific needs, whether it requires an overnight stay or a comprehensive evaluation of the guest experience from booking to check out. Mystery hotel guests can also evaluate individual departments to find out how each section of the hotel impacts the overall guest experience.

Actionable recommendations

Mystery hotel guests provide confidential feedback to hotels detailing areas that require improvement as well as the strengths that hotels can leverage. This feedback includes not only their observations but actionable recommendations for hotels to take.

Setting benchmarks

One of the most significant values of mystery hotel guests is their ability to establish benchmarks with other hotels in the hospitality industry. By providing detailed feedback from the guest experience within the sector, Silent Customer enables hotels to evaluate their operations and standards against industry best practices. This benchmarking can help hotels understand their competitive position in the market and determine how they can improve their service standards to deliver exceptional guest experiences.

Staying ahead of the competition

Hotels often have to differentiate themselves from competitors to remain relevant and drive revenue growth. We provide an opportunity for hotels to do just that. By identifying areas where improvement is required, hotels can focus their resources on initiatives that can help them stand out from their competitors.

Unlock Your Hotel’s Potential with Mystery Guests

Mystery hotel guests are invaluable resources for hotels looking to transform their guest experiences and optimise their operations. By providing objective, tailored evaluations with actionable recommendations, Silent Customer can help hotels identify opportunities to improve their guest experiences and stay ahead of the competition. 

With Silent Customer, hotels can work towards delivering unrivalled guest experiences, which can boost their reputation, encourage repeat business, and generate revenue growth.

Work with us

Elevate your hotel experience and unveil opportunities for excellence with Silent Customer’s mystery hotel guests. Join forces with Silent Customer and embark on a transformative journey towards delivering exceptional guest experiences.  We believe in delivering feedback kindly, so your teams feel motivated and empowered to make improvements for your business.

Contact us today to unlock the full potential of your hotel and establish a new benchmark for hospitality excellence with Silent Customer.

Reputation Management

Mystery Visits

Phone & Online Audits

Free Training Tools

Free Training Tools

Intercepting Complaints

Check-backs and complaint handling go hand in hand. Intercepting a problem before a customer tells you, or Google, not only prevents negative word-of-mouth but can increase revenue through loyalty and positive PR.

Use our fun PEP talk sheets to support your front-line teams in learning how to avoid complaints.

Engaging Conversations

Building a natural and genuine rapport with guests can be the most positive and memorable part of their dining experience. Whilst the food and the environment can be remarkable by itself, making a customer feel that they are more than just a table number, has a far wider reach in terms of spreading positive word-of-mouth.

Use our fun PEP talk sheet to support your front-line teams in learning how to have engaging conversations.

Positive Body Language

Being able to communicate positivity, and with enthusiasm, encourages customers to reciprocate in the same manner. However, most of us are unaware of how we are perceived by others and, whilst we may think we are coming across as welcoming and friendly, our body language could be telling a different story.

Use our fun PEP talk sheet to support your front-line teams in understand the importance of self-awareness.

Relevant Recommendations

Team members need good product knowledge to be able to describe and enthuse, but often don’t know what many of the dishes taste like. A lack of upselling is also often due to a lack of confidence in knowing where to start a conversation that leads to a recommendation.

Use our fun PEP talk sheet to support your front-line teams in learning how to upsell.